Like food, illegal substances and prescription medications take time for your body to digest. While the effects of a drug might last your body just a few short hours, the traces of that drug can linger for double that....
Trusted and Respected New Orleans Maritime Lawyer The Jones Act is one area of maritime law that has received extensive scrutiny from lawmakers over the past few decades. To understand what makes the bill so controversial,...
Skilled New Orleans Personal Injury Lawyer Explains the Jones Act Various laws focus on maritime acts, but a popularly known law is the Jones Act. Formerly known as the Merchant Marine Act of 1920 it was passed by Congress at...
Having an offshore job is a great way to make a living, but it doesn’t come without risks. Drilling operations offshore are extremely dangerous. Hazardous and dangerous conditions are just part of the job. These conditions...
Let an Experienced New Orleans Oil Rig Injury Attorney Fight for You Injury claims in the oil and gas industry are highly complex because they overlap multiple state and federal regulations. While injured workers can receive...
Personal Injury Lawyer Serving Victims of Maritime and Oil Rig Injuries in New Orleans The Clovelly Oil Co. of New Orleans natural gas rig that exploded left several workers injured and one missing. Sadly, the Coast...
A serious or catastrophic injury is one that is often debilitating and will change a victim’s life forever. Some of these injuries require years of medical treatments, surgeries, agonizing pain, emotional distress, and...
Accidents do happen. However, when an accident involves something as heavy and large as a semi-truck, that accident is often catastrophic. Truck accidents account for 9 percent of traffic fatalities, and truck drivers owe...
New Orleans Injury Attorney Serving Victims of Fatigued Drivers Fatigued driving is becoming an issue in the United States. There is no law in place that punishes a driver for fatigued driving – or gives them a citation....
Truck Accident Attorney Serving Victims in New Orleans and Louisiana Semi-truck accidents are much more common than you might realize. Semi-truck accidents can happen because of a variety of reasons including driver...